Silva Life System
Participate in life changing events that help you overcome obstacles and live your life’s purpose!

Start Your Silva Journey With A Live Event Experience
Across the world, people are moving towards a more conscious way of living. They are ready to fulfill their potential, to overcome financial, career, and health challenges. They are ready to live a harmonious and productive life.
Live A Life Of Your Own Design!
At Silva, we know that the first step is to leave behind the belief that only the lucky few get to experience deep, life-changing transformation. It is not a matter of luck—it’s about practice—or rather how and what you practice.
Though using meditation and imagery to manifest goals is not a new idea, being successful at it may often be an issue. At Silva, we understand that a major key is overcoming personal barriers, those self-limiting habits and beliefs. It’s not just about what you want; it is about what’s stopping you and how to rise above it!

Silva – A Proven Track Record
With the Silva Method, students have been creating success stories for 50 years! Silva Life System teaches scientifically proven techniques that differ significantly from the traditional, passive form of meditation that typical ‘mind empowerment’ programs offer. Silva’s active form of meditation in the alpha brainwave state enables you to tap more of your brain’s potential, to spark tangible, profound, and lasting change. The Silva Method is an exercise for your mind. It literally conditions your mind and thoughts to work for you instead of against you.
Transform Chaos Into Flow
Everyone has stress. That’s unavoidable, but you can learn to deal with it in a constructive way. Silva gives you the tools to transform stress into clarity, creativity, and even relaxation. One of the first things you will learn in this 2-day adventure is how to put yourself into a deep level of meditation and use stress to your advantage.
Positive Thoughts = Positive Outcomes
Happiness is something that we all want. The techniques in the Silva Life System program help you uncover your life purpose, solve those problems that block you, and transform that negative inner voice into a positive, supportive mentality. There is no greater power than to realize that your mind is on your side.
Enhance Mind-Body Healing
In the Silva Life System, you will learn a variety of mental visualization methods designed to accelerate your mind and body’s natural capacity for physical and emotional healing. These results have been studied and endorsed by a variety of medical practitioners.
Boost Your Creativity
Creativity is not just for artists—it’s a resourceful state of mind that leads to success. Studies show that creativity is enhanced when functioning at the alpha level. Experiencing the Silva Life System will teach you to enter the alpha level at will and then to use your creative mind to help you find solutions and let inspiration flow.
Achieve Powerful Goals
The Silva Life System is more than a motivational self-help course. Face it! The typical self-help courses leave you on a high for a few days, but people often revert to their old ways after several weeks. Not so with Silva. Silva gives you more than inspiration; it gives you tools for daily living.
Mental Training & Performance Enhancement
The Silva Life System is more than a motivational self-help course. Face it! The typical self-help courses leave you on a high for a few days, but people often revert to their old ways after several weeks. Not so with Silva. Silva gives you more than inspiration; it gives you tools for daily living.
Sleep Soundly & Wake Up Energized
Silva teaches you to “command” your mind to let you fall asleep when you choose to. You also learn to set your internal clock to be able to wake up anytime—without the use of an alarm clock. This is crucial because your body naturally attunes to your sleep cycles and allows you to wake up rested. Imagine how much more productive and energized you will be when you can depend on having a good night’s rest.
Use The Power Of Dreams
Throughout history, people have credited dreams with helping them develop new ideas and gain powerful insight. The inventor Elias Howe got a revelation on how to improve the sewing machine through a dream. Paul McCartney came up with the song “Yesterday” in a dream. The structure of the Carbon-6 molecule was discovered through a dream. With Silva Dream Control techniques you can use your dreams to help boost your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and inspiration.
Enhance Your Intuition
Silva recognizes that everyone is born with intuitive abilities, and that anyone who learns how to enhance these abilities can function at an optimum performance level. Through our proprietary scientific and time-tested process, you’ll learn how to use your innate psychic abilities for everyday problem-solving and decision-making, resulting in a happier, more successful, and more confident life.
The Silva Method Is Backed By Research
Jose Silva was a pioneer in the mind and intuitive research. His research and findings have been the basis for many developments in business, the arts, sports, and personal growth.

Artists Enhance Creativity And Focus With Silva
Notable students include the opera singer Marguerite Piazza, singer Vicki Carr, and actresses Loretta Swit and Carol Lawrence, the first live theater actress to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Best-selling author, Richard Bach, credits the Silva Method for the inspiration to help him finish his iconic book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, which sold over a million copies and was featured on the cover of TIME magazine.
Businesses Train Employees In Silva Method
Top corporations including RCA Records, Green Mountain Coffee, and The Arnold Agency report amplified creativity, improved business management, enhanced motivation, better health, higher work attendance, and better stress management. “Silva demonstrates that there is no limit to what the mind can do.” ROBERT STILLER, CEO OF GREEN MOUNTAIN COFFEE

World Class Athletes Use Silva Method For Physical Excellence
“The Silva Method helped me with my concentration, and it helped me to relax before the pressures of a game,” stated Russell “Bucky” Dent, a baseball player with the Chicago White Sox named Most Valuable Player at the 1978 World Series. To this day, many world-class athletes use the principles of The Silva Method to visualize their desired outcomes, improve focus, and keep their minds and bodies in optimal condition.
Healthcare Professionals Integrate Silva Principles Into Mind-Body Healing Regimens
“The most powerful single tool that I have to offer patients,” said Dr. O Carl Simonton, founder of the Simonton Research Institute, for imagery therapy. Professor Clancy D. McKenzie, founder of the American Mental Health Association, is also known to have used Silva techniques to aid his patients.

Top Personal Growth Leaders Inspired By Silva
“Anything with the name Jose Silva as an author has my vote before I open to page one,” said Wayne Dyer, well-known personal growth author and teacher. “It allows you to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom,” according to Shakti Gawain, who credits Silva for inspiring her best-selling book, Creative Visualization.
Join Us
What To Expect In Class
The ambiance is relaxing and class size is usually intimate, anywhere from 30 to 50 people. This means that you get more individualized attention from our instructors. This also gives you the opportunity to meet like-minded people. Many students gain life-long friendships at these events. The Silva Life System program is a 2-day experience and is usually held from 9 am to 6 pm on a Saturday and Sunday (times and dates may vary based on location).
Fundamentals Come First
Many students decide to continue with the Silva Method in more advanced programs on intuition or healing. Any advanced learning that you want to do will be entirely up to you and will only be made available after your program is complete.
Join Us At A Live Program
50 years in the making and we have not missed a beat. Silva programs continue to be one of the most popular personal growth programs available today. Our comprehensive programs offer cutting-edge technology on the relationship between the brain, mind, and personal growth.
At Silva It's Experiential
At Silva, we engage you! Whether it’s in conversations about the role the mind plays in healing or taking you through guided exercises into the alpha and theta frequencies of the brain. A Silva Program is the fertile playground where you will practice your newfound skills. In other words, you will not just learn about meditation and new ways to use the mind, you will experience it!
Education Delivered - No Sales Pitch Needed
We trust our students to be the kind of people who recognize for themselves a quality, educational opportunity. We won’t waste your time with high-pressure sales pitches during our programs. Silva events and programs have been offered in 110 countries for 50 years. Our methods are grounded in science and have stood the test of time. Now our success can be yours. We are dedicated to making this available to the world and that is why you will always find Silva programs offered for incredible value.
Experienced Instructors
Each of our qualified instructors has years of valuable experience and the skill to make the event a powerful life-changing weekend. They will be there to guide you, not only during, but even after the training is over. Their ultimate goal after exposing you to the techniques is to help you move beyond the guided meditations toward true independence. This level of discipline is real empowerment where you become the master of your own mind. Everyone can experience this mental achievement with the proper instruction and practice. That is why we do everything we can to ensure that you learn and experience alpha and theta frequencies while in the live training.